One of the worst effects of living with peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy is the toll it takes on your life. Living with the pain of neuropathy can be devastating. Pain in your hands, feet, legs and arms can keep you from living an active and healthy life. So what can you do to strike back at neuropathy and gain back your independence?
Live and think positively- don't let the disease get you down, and here's how!
Get Support
Unfortunately, neuropathy effects more than just the body, it can also effect the mind and spirit. Specialists agree that the constant pain and other associated neuropathy symptoms (tingling feet, numb feet) can be thoroughly discouraging to the sufferer. Pain has the ability to bring about depression, anxiety disorders and other negative personality changes.
Fortunately, there is help, there is hope. One form of effective neuropathy treatment is the encouragement and advice found in support groups. Support groups have been known to help people struggling with all kinds of life problems (drugs, loss, alcohol, weight issues), and people struggling with neuropathy can find solace among others diagnosed with this disease.
Never underestimate the power of positive thinking, encouragement, fellowship with others dealing with the same problems, and the overall happiness found in just getting out and being with other people. You can find support in actual organized support groups, or you can find support among your family and friends.
Get Active
Getting active may seem like a way to increase the pain associated with your neuropathy, but exercise is a great method for neuropathy treatment. Exercise has positive effects across the board. Not only does it keep your body in optimal physical condition, it also helps create a healthy state of mind. Many active individuals agree that exercise helps to clear the mind and the hormones released during physical activity cause a euphoria that cannot be found in medications.
Exercise alone is a great method for neuropathy treatment, but other methods such as; maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy foods, staying away from toxins, drinking plenty of water, abstaining from consuming alcohol, and correcting vitamin deficiencies are also great ways to treat neuropathy symptoms.
If these methods of neuropathy treatment fail, using medications (pain blocking injections, topical Capsaicin creams, or prescription medications) are also effective in treating neuropathy pain.
Getting your life back from your neuropathy can be as simple as getting support and getting active. Live a positive life despite the negativity of the pain.
Learn more about available Neuropathy Treatments.
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